SAGES Resident Webinar : Video Coaching vs Telementoring: Extending the Training Envelope-September, 2018
This is the SAGES September 2018 Webinar Chair: Brian R. Davis, MD Faculty: Caprice Greenberg, MD; Chet Hammill, MD; Ninh Nguyen, MD; and Christopher Schlachta, MD Program Outline: –Video coaching for residents: Dr. Greenberg–1:55 –Video review for quality ourcomes research in practicing surgeons by Dr. Hammill–25:58 –Telementoring bariatric surgery globally: The sleeve gastrectomy experience by […]
- Posted on
- 11/07/2018
- Learning Themes
- Academic / Educational, New Technologies / Skills Acquisitions, Professional / Economic
- Sources
- Resident Webinar
- Presentation Types
- Webinar
- Video Tags
- ABS, academic centers, ADDIE model, administrators, ADOPT program, adoption, Amazon mechanical trunk, American Board of Surgery, anatomy, artificial intelligence, assessment, attending, bariatric surgeon, bariatric surgery, Canada, coach, coachee, colonoscopy, colorectal, communication, comorbidities, competence, complications, cost, credentialing, critical view of safety, crowdsourcing, CSTAR, CVS, death, decision making, education, elective surgery, emergency surgery, emergent, endo suite, experience, expertise, experts, faculty, FAME grant, feedback, fellows, fellowship, Google, greater curvature, Guatamala, hands-on training, hemorrhage, hepatobiliary surgery, HPB surgery, infection rate, innovation, interstate compact, iPad, iPhone, Johnson & Johnson, lab, laboratory, laparoscopic cholecystectomy, laparoscopic colon surgery, laparoscopic gastric bypass, laparoscopic splenectomy, laparoscopic surgery, LAPCO, learner, learning, learning curve, licensure, limitations, malpractice, MBSAQIP, medico-legal, mentee, mentoring, mentors, minimally invasive surgery, MIS, morbidity, mortality, observation, OG tube, operative time, orogastric tube, OSATS, pancreatic fistula, pancreaticojejunostomy anastomosis, peer coaching, performance, pitfalls, platform, port placement, practice, preceptor, private practice, proctor, professional development, Project 6 summit, psychomotor skills, pulmonary, quality outcomes, radical prostatectomy, research, residency, residency program, residency program director, residents, robotic Whipple, SADI, self-evaluation, short gastric hemorrhage, simulation training, Single anastomosis duodenoโileal bypass, skill acquisition, skill set, sleeve gastrectomy, spleen, splenic injury, SSTAR model, surgical education, suturing, symposium, task force, teaching, technical skills, technique, technology, telemedicine, telementoring, teleobservation, telerobotic surgery, telestration, trainees, training, tumor board, U.S., United States, video coaching, Wikipedia
- Video Authors
- Davis B, Greenberg C, Hammill C, Nguyen N, Schlachta C
- Video Institutions
- University of California Irvine, University of Wisconsin, Washington University
Chair: B. Fernando Santos, MD Faculty: Peter Muscarella, MD and Ezra Teitelbaum, MD Laparoscopic cholangiography & fluoroscopic-guided techniques by Dr. Santos–1:46 Choledocholithiasis: The hidden trap–3:25 Surg Endosc 2016 JAMA Surg 2014 Transcystic fluoro-guided “basket-in-catheter”–26:27 Surg Endosc 2016 Laparoscopic transcystic video-guided CBDE by Dr. Teitelbaum–35:48 How can we increase utilization of LCBDE?–54:51 JAMA Surg 2016 Laparoscopic […]
- Posted on
- 06/12/2018
- Learning Themes
- HPB / Biliary
- Sources
- Resident Webinar
- Presentation Types
- Webinar
- Video Tags
- aberrant insertion, adhesions, admissions, advantages, air, algorithm, ampulla, anatomical, anatomy, anesthesiology, angioplasty catheter, ASGE, assistant, attending, balloon, balloon extraction, balloon extraction device, bariatric surgery, basket-in-catheter, bile duct, bile leak, biliary drain, biliary duct stones, biliary duct surgery, biliary fistula, biliary fogarty, biliary surgery, biliary tree, bleeding, blunt tip grasper, bronchoscope, bubbles, C-arm, camera, carbon dioxide, cardiac cath lab, catheter, CBD stones, CBDE, chest x-ray, cholangiogram catheter, cholangitis, choledochoduodenostomy, choledocholithiasis, choledochoscope, choledochoscopy, choledochotomy, cholesterol stone, cine, clip, closure, CO2, colon, common bile duct exploration, common bile duct stones, common hepatic duct, complications, contraindications, contrast, convert, critical view of safety, CT scan, curriculum, CVS, CXR, cystic duct, debris, dehydration, digital subtraction, dilation, dilation pressure, discharge, dissection, dome-down, drain, drainage, ductotomy, duodenoscope, duodenum, endoscopic approach, endoscopic bag, endoscopic ultrasound, equipment, ERCP, EUS, experience, extravasation, faculty, failure rate, false passage, Fanelli stent, fiberoptic, filling defects, flexible endoscope, flexible endoscopy, FLS box, fluoro, fluoroscopy, flush, fundus retractor, gallbladder, gastroenterologists, general surgeon, general surgery residency, GI, glucagon, guidewire, HCV, hepatic duct, hepatic flexure, hepatitis c, HIDA scan, imaging, immunosuppression, infection, inflammation, infuser, injury, instruments, intervention, intraoperative cholangiography, intravenous, IOC, irrigation, IV tubing, jaundice, JP drain, Kocher maneuver, LAO, lap chole, laparoscope, laparoscopic approach, laparoscopic cholangiography, laparoscopic cholecystectomy, laparoscopic common bile duct exploration, laparoscopic techniques, laparoscopy, LCBDE, learning curve, left anterior oblique, left hepatic duct, length of stay, LFT, limitations, liver, liver function test, LOS, marker, marsupialization, mentorship, metastasis, metastatic cancer, mets, midline incision, minimally invasive, minimally invasive surgery, MIS, MIS training, monofilament suture, morbidity, MRCP, Nathanson transcystic catheter, nitinol basket, obese, occlusion, Olsen clamp, open biliary surgery, open cholecystectomy, open common bile duct exploration, open surgery, outcomes, palpation, pancreatic duct, pancreatic surgery, pancreatitis, papilla, papillary edema, patent, patient selection, PDS, percutaneous transhepatic cholangiography, perforation, periampullary diverticulum, perioperative management, port, porta hepatis, pressure cuff, pressure injector, primary closure, program director, PTC, radial opening, radiology, redundancy, residency, resident training, residents, right hepatic duct, risk stratification guidelines, RNY, Roux-en-Y, saline, salvage, scissors, simulator, spasm, sphincteroplasty, sphincterotomy, stay suture, stent, stent deployment, stone basket, stone clearance, stone forceps, stone grasper, stone impaction, stone therapy, stricture, subcostal incision, subtotal cholecystectomy, subxiphoid, surgical management, suturing skills, Sweden, syringe, T-tube, techniques, technology, thrombectomy, trainees, training, trancystic exploration, transcholedochal, transcholedochal exploration, transduodenal sphincterotomy, triangle of Calot, trocar, U.S., ultrasound, umbilicus, United States, ureteral catheter, ureteral stent, urology, valve, vascular, vertebral body, Vicryl, wire access, working channel, working port, wound healing, wound infection, x-ray
- Video Authors
- Muscarella P, Santos B, Teitelbaum E
- Video Institutions
- Albert Einstein College of Medicine, Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center--Lebanon NH, Montefiore Medical Center, Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine--Chicago IL
Newest Endoscopic Treatments for Bariatrics/GERD
Chair: Brian R. Davis, MD Faculty: Bipan Chand, MD; Jeffrey Ponsky, MD; Michael Ujiki, MD; and Erik Wilson, MD Endoluminal options for weight regain by Dr. B Chand–4:53 Endoscopic sleeve gastroplasty by Dr. M Ujiki–28:29 Endolumenal reflux treatment by Dr. E Wilson–58:51 Stretta by Dr. J Ponsky–1:27:18
- Posted on
- 04/26/2016
- Video Categories
- Webinar
- Learning Themes
- Bariatrics, Foregut, New Technologies / Skills Acquisitions
- Sources
- Resident Webinar
- Video Tags
- abdominal cavity, acid exposure, adjustable gastric banding, afferent fibers, amino acid deficiency, anatomy, anesthesia, antireflux surgery, Apollo, ARS, ASGE, balloon, Bard, bariatric surgeons, bariatric surgery, Barrett's esophagus, bleeding, BMI, body mass index, Botox, Bougie, burn, calcium, camera, carbon dioxide insufflation, chest, chronic disease, clips, CO2 insufflation, collagen, complications, conscious sedation, console, Covidien, CPT code, DDW, DeMeester score, Demerol, diaphragmatic, Digestive Disease Week, dilatation, disposable, dysphagia, edema, EGD, EGJ, electrical stimulation, EndoCinch, Endogastric Solutions, endolumenal fundoplication, endolumenal reflux treatment, endoluminal anastomosis outlet reduction, endoluminal bariatric therapy, endoluminal devices, endoluminal therapy, endoscope, endoscopic management, endoscopic sleeve gastroplasty, endoscopic suturing devices, endoscopic therapy, endoscopists, endoscopy, endoscopy suite, epithelium, esophageal cancer, esophageal injury, esophageal perforation, esophageal wall, esophagitis, esophagogastric junction, esophagus, EsophyX, Ethicon, EWL, ex vivo, excess weight loss, exposure, FDA, Fentanyl, fistulas, flex endo, flexible endoscopy, flexible Endostitch, follow-up, Food & Drug Administration, foreign body, full-thickness, fundoplasty, fundoplication, fundus, gas bloat, gastric bypass, gastric emptying, gastric leak, gastric pouch, gastric surgery, gastroenterologists, gastroesophageal junction, gastroesophageal reflux disease, gastrogastric fistula, gastrointestinal lab, gastrojejunostomy, gastroplasty, GEJ, GERD-HQRL, GGF, ghrelin, GI lab, GJ, glucose, GRADE, greater curvature plication, guidelines, H-fastenters, health related quality of life, heartburn, helical tissue grasper, hiatal hernia, hiatus, Hill grade, hormones, hunger, in vivo, inflammatory reaction, injection, insulin, intragastric balloon, irrigation, J&J, Johnson & Johnson, laparoscopic, laparoscopy, learning, learning curve, LES, lesion, lower esophageal sphincter, magnetic valve sphincteroplasty, malabsorption, marginal ulcer, mediastinal abscess, medical devices, medical therapy, medication, Medigus ultrasonic surgical endostapler, mesh, meta-analysis, monitor, morbidity, morbidly obese, mortality, muscle, MUSE, myotomy, NDO plicator, needle, nerves, Nissen, nitinol, obesity, operative time, OTSC clip, outpatient, Over-the-Scope clip, OverStitch, overtube, partial wrap, pediatric endoscope, pediatric gastroscope, PEG, peptide YY, percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy, perforation, permanent suture, pH testing, pharmacotherapy, pilot study, placebo effect, plication, POEM, polypectomy snare, POSE, postprandial, pouch, PPI, pregnancy, Propofol, proton pump inhibitors, PYY, QoL, quality of life, radiofrequency ablation, randomized trial, registry trial, regurgitation, reimbursement, relative value units, remnant stomach, residency, residents, restorative obesity surgery endoluminal, retroflexion, revisional bariatric surgery, RFA, robotic platform, robotic surgeon, ROSE, Roux-en-Y gastric bypass, RVU, RYGB, saline, same day discharge, satiety, sclerosing agents, screening colonoscopy, serosa, Silk, sleeve gastrectomy, sodium morrhuate, stapler, stent fixation, stoma, stoma reduction, stomach, StomaphyX, Stretta, suturing devices, technical skills, technique, temperature, TEMPO study, therapeutic endoscopy, TIF, tissue anchors, transfusion, transoral, transoral incisionless fundoplication, tyrosin, ultrasound, upper endoscopy, upper gastrointestinal, upper GI, vagal fibers, vagal nerve injury, vagus nerve, Versed, weight loss, weight recividism, weight regain, wrap, Z-line
- Video Authors
- Chand B, Davis B, Ponsky J, Ujiki M, Wilson E
- Video Institutions
- Case Western Reserve University, Loyola University Chicago Stritch School of Medicine, Loyola University Medical Center, Minimally Invasive Surgeons of Texas, NorthShore University HealthSystem, Texas Health University Sciences Center, University of Chicago Pritzker School of Medicine, University of Texas Medical School--Houston TX