SAGES Resident Webinar : Video Coaching vs Telementoring: Extending the Training Envelope-September, 2018
This is the SAGES September 2018 Webinar Chair: Brian R. Davis, MD Faculty: Caprice Greenberg, MD; Chet Hammill, MD; Ninh Nguyen, MD; and Christopher Schlachta, MD Program Outline: –Video coaching for residents: Dr. Greenberg–1:55 –Video review for quality ourcomes research in practicing surgeons by Dr. Hammill–25:58 –Telementoring bariatric surgery globally: The sleeve gastrectomy experience by […]
- Posted on
- 11/07/2018
- Learning Themes
- Academic / Educational, New Technologies / Skills Acquisitions, Professional / Economic
- Sources
- Resident Webinar
- Presentation Types
- Webinar
- Video Tags
- ABS, academic centers, ADDIE model, administrators, ADOPT program, adoption, Amazon mechanical trunk, American Board of Surgery, anatomy, artificial intelligence, assessment, attending, bariatric surgeon, bariatric surgery, Canada, coach, coachee, colonoscopy, colorectal, communication, comorbidities, competence, complications, cost, credentialing, critical view of safety, crowdsourcing, CSTAR, CVS, death, decision making, education, elective surgery, emergency surgery, emergent, endo suite, experience, expertise, experts, faculty, FAME grant, feedback, fellows, fellowship, Google, greater curvature, Guatamala, hands-on training, hemorrhage, hepatobiliary surgery, HPB surgery, infection rate, innovation, interstate compact, iPad, iPhone, Johnson & Johnson, lab, laboratory, laparoscopic cholecystectomy, laparoscopic colon surgery, laparoscopic gastric bypass, laparoscopic splenectomy, laparoscopic surgery, LAPCO, learner, learning, learning curve, licensure, limitations, malpractice, MBSAQIP, medico-legal, mentee, mentoring, mentors, minimally invasive surgery, MIS, morbidity, mortality, observation, OG tube, operative time, orogastric tube, OSATS, pancreatic fistula, pancreaticojejunostomy anastomosis, peer coaching, performance, pitfalls, platform, port placement, practice, preceptor, private practice, proctor, professional development, Project 6 summit, psychomotor skills, pulmonary, quality outcomes, radical prostatectomy, research, residency, residency program, residency program director, residents, robotic Whipple, SADI, self-evaluation, short gastric hemorrhage, simulation training, Single anastomosis duodenoโileal bypass, skill acquisition, skill set, sleeve gastrectomy, spleen, splenic injury, SSTAR model, surgical education, suturing, symposium, task force, teaching, technical skills, technique, technology, telemedicine, telementoring, teleobservation, telerobotic surgery, telestration, trainees, training, tumor board, U.S., United States, video coaching, Wikipedia
- Video Authors
- Davis B, Greenberg C, Hammill C, Nguyen N, Schlachta C
- Video Institutions
- University of California Irvine, University of Wisconsin, Washington University
Chair: B. Fernando Santos, MD Faculty: Peter Muscarella, MD and Ezra Teitelbaum, MD Laparoscopic cholangiography & fluoroscopic-guided techniques by Dr. Santos–1:46 Choledocholithiasis: The hidden trap–3:25 Surg Endosc 2016 JAMA Surg 2014 Transcystic fluoro-guided “basket-in-catheter”–26:27 Surg Endosc 2016 Laparoscopic transcystic video-guided CBDE by Dr. Teitelbaum–35:48 How can we increase utilization of LCBDE?–54:51 JAMA Surg 2016 Laparoscopic […]
- Posted on
- 06/12/2018
- Learning Themes
- HPB / Biliary
- Sources
- Resident Webinar
- Presentation Types
- Webinar
- Video Tags
- aberrant insertion, adhesions, admissions, advantages, air, algorithm, ampulla, anatomical, anatomy, anesthesiology, angioplasty catheter, ASGE, assistant, attending, balloon, balloon extraction, balloon extraction device, bariatric surgery, basket-in-catheter, bile duct, bile leak, biliary drain, biliary duct stones, biliary duct surgery, biliary fistula, biliary fogarty, biliary surgery, biliary tree, bleeding, blunt tip grasper, bronchoscope, bubbles, C-arm, camera, carbon dioxide, cardiac cath lab, catheter, CBD stones, CBDE, chest x-ray, cholangiogram catheter, cholangitis, choledochoduodenostomy, choledocholithiasis, choledochoscope, choledochoscopy, choledochotomy, cholesterol stone, cine, clip, closure, CO2, colon, common bile duct exploration, common bile duct stones, common hepatic duct, complications, contraindications, contrast, convert, critical view of safety, CT scan, curriculum, CVS, CXR, cystic duct, debris, dehydration, digital subtraction, dilation, dilation pressure, discharge, dissection, dome-down, drain, drainage, ductotomy, duodenoscope, duodenum, endoscopic approach, endoscopic bag, endoscopic ultrasound, equipment, ERCP, EUS, experience, extravasation, faculty, failure rate, false passage, Fanelli stent, fiberoptic, filling defects, flexible endoscope, flexible endoscopy, FLS box, fluoro, fluoroscopy, flush, fundus retractor, gallbladder, gastroenterologists, general surgeon, general surgery residency, GI, glucagon, guidewire, HCV, hepatic duct, hepatic flexure, hepatitis c, HIDA scan, imaging, immunosuppression, infection, inflammation, infuser, injury, instruments, intervention, intraoperative cholangiography, intravenous, IOC, irrigation, IV tubing, jaundice, JP drain, Kocher maneuver, LAO, lap chole, laparoscope, laparoscopic approach, laparoscopic cholangiography, laparoscopic cholecystectomy, laparoscopic common bile duct exploration, laparoscopic techniques, laparoscopy, LCBDE, learning curve, left anterior oblique, left hepatic duct, length of stay, LFT, limitations, liver, liver function test, LOS, marker, marsupialization, mentorship, metastasis, metastatic cancer, mets, midline incision, minimally invasive, minimally invasive surgery, MIS, MIS training, monofilament suture, morbidity, MRCP, Nathanson transcystic catheter, nitinol basket, obese, occlusion, Olsen clamp, open biliary surgery, open cholecystectomy, open common bile duct exploration, open surgery, outcomes, palpation, pancreatic duct, pancreatic surgery, pancreatitis, papilla, papillary edema, patent, patient selection, PDS, percutaneous transhepatic cholangiography, perforation, periampullary diverticulum, perioperative management, port, porta hepatis, pressure cuff, pressure injector, primary closure, program director, PTC, radial opening, radiology, redundancy, residency, resident training, residents, right hepatic duct, risk stratification guidelines, RNY, Roux-en-Y, saline, salvage, scissors, simulator, spasm, sphincteroplasty, sphincterotomy, stay suture, stent, stent deployment, stone basket, stone clearance, stone forceps, stone grasper, stone impaction, stone therapy, stricture, subcostal incision, subtotal cholecystectomy, subxiphoid, surgical management, suturing skills, Sweden, syringe, T-tube, techniques, technology, thrombectomy, trainees, training, trancystic exploration, transcholedochal, transcholedochal exploration, transduodenal sphincterotomy, triangle of Calot, trocar, U.S., ultrasound, umbilicus, United States, ureteral catheter, ureteral stent, urology, valve, vascular, vertebral body, Vicryl, wire access, working channel, working port, wound healing, wound infection, x-ray
- Video Authors
- Muscarella P, Santos B, Teitelbaum E
- Video Institutions
- Albert Einstein College of Medicine, Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center--Lebanon NH, Montefiore Medical Center, Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine--Chicago IL
SAGES Resident Webinar: Preparing for the ABSITE-December, 2017
Preparing for ABSITE Chair: Michael M. Awad, MD Faculty: Jeffrey Blatnik, MD; Amber Traugott, MD; and Adnan Alseidi, MD Program Outline: – Welcome and Overview – Michael M. Awad, MD, PhD – Esophagus, Stomach, Obesity -| Michael M. Awad, MD, PhD – General Abdomen, Hernia, Spleen – Jeffrey Blatnik, MD – Colorectal & Anal Disease […]
- Posted on
- 12/14/2017
- Learning Themes
- Academic / Educational
- Sources
- Resident Webinar
- Presentation Types
- Webinar
- Video Tags
- abdomen, abdominal approach, abdominal distension, abdominal films, abdominal hypertension, abdominal pain, abdominal plain film, abdominal wall, abdominal wall reconstruction, abominal ultrasonography, absorbable suture, accessory spleen, adults, afebrile, albumin, alkaline phosphatase, alvimopan, ampullectomy, anal canal, anal fissure, anal fistula, anemia, angiographic coil embolization, anoscopy, anti-TNF, antibiotics, aortic stenosis, appendectomy, appendiceal abscess, appendicitis, appendix, arcuate line, ascites, aspiration, asplenic, asymptomatic hernia, AWR, barium enema, Barrett's esophagus, BDI, bedrest, bile duct injury, biliary decompression, biliary disease, bilirubin, biloma, biologics, biopsy, bladder, bleeding, blood pressure, blunt trauma, bolster, Botox, botulinum toxin, bowel incarceration, bowel movement, bowel obstruction, bowel strangulation, bumper, C. difficile colitis, CAD, calcium channel blockers, Cameron's lesion, carcinoid, cardiac injury, CD117, chest, CHF, chloride, cholangiocarcinoma, cholecystostomy tube, choledocholithiasis, chronic alcoholic, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, chronic ulcerative colitis, cirrhosis, colon cancer, colon polyps, colonoscopy, colorectal anal disease, colorectal carcinoma, comorbidities, complications, congestive heart failure, conservative management, constipation, continence, contraindication, COPD, coronary artery disease, creatinine, Crohn's disease, CT scan, CUC, cystic duct, delayed intervention, dentate line, diagnosis, diagnostic laparoscopy, diagnostic tests, diarrhea, diet modification, digital rectal exam, diuresis, diuretics, dizziness, drain, DRE, dysphagia, E.D., E.R., early feeding, emergency department, emergency room, emergent, emergent splenectomy, end ileostomy, endorectal ultrasound, endoscopic, endoscopic ultrasound, endoscopy, endotracheal anesthesia, enhanced recovery, enteral feeding, enteric blood loss, eosinophilic esophagitis, epigastric pain, ERCP, erosive esophagitis, esophageal adenocarcinoma, esophageal obstruction, esophagus, EUA, EUS, exam under anesthesia, external-beam radiation, extrahepatic bile duct, extrasphincteric fistula, falciform ligament, false positive results, female, fever, fistula, fistula tract, flatus, flexible endoscopy, flexible sigmoidoscopy, fluid resuscitation, food impaction, foregut, full-thickness, fulminant, fusiform dilatation, gallbladder, gallbladder cancer, gallbladder carcinoma, gallstones, gastric adenocarcinoma, gastric cancer, gastric mucosa, gastric outlet obstruction, gastric polyps, gastric ulcer, gastric ulcers, gastrin, gastrinoma, gastrointestinal stromal tumor, gastrointestinal tract, general surgery residency, GERD, GI tract, GIST, glycogen, Goodsall's rule, greater omentum, H. pylori, haemophilus influenzae, Hartmann's procedure, HCC, heart rate, heartburn, Helicobacter pylori, Heller myotomy, hematochezia, hematologic disorders, hemoperitoneum, hepatectomy, hepatic resection, hepatic vegal branch, hepatocellular carcinoma, hernia, hernia defect, hernia repair, HGD, hiatal hernia, high-grade dysplasia, histochemical stain, hypertension, hypotension, I&D, iatrogenic injury, IBD, idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura, ileum, ilioinguinal nerve, IMA, incarcerated inguinal hernia, incision & drainage, incisional hernia, incontinence, indirect hernia sac, indirect inguinal hernia, inferior epigastric artery, inferior mesenteric artery, inflammation, inflammatory bowel disease, infliximab, influenza, inguinal canal, inguinal hernia recurrence, inguinal hernioplasty, inguinal herniorrhaphy, insufflation, intensive care unit, internal sphincter, intersphincteric, intersphincteric abscess, interstitial cells of Cajal, interventional radiology, intestinal metaplasia, intr-abdominal pressure, intraoperative cholangiography, intubation, IOC, IR, ischemia, ischemic, ITP, J-tube, jejunostomy tube, lap chole, laparoscopic cholecystectomy, laparoscopic repair, laparoscopy, laparoscpic resection, lateral femoral cutaneous nerve, lateral internal sphincterotomy, left colectomy, LES, LGD, liver disease, liver metastasis, liver resection, local recurrence, locally advanced tumors, loss of abdominal domain, low-grade dysplasia, lower esophageal sphincter, lymph node metastases, lymphadenectomy, lymphoma, maintenance therapy, male, malignant bowel obstruction, manometry, MBO, medical management, medications, meningococcal, mesh, metastasis, metastatic colorectal cancer, metastatic lesions, methylprednisolone, metronidazole, midline, midline fissure, minimally invasive surgeon, morbidity, mortality, multifocal disease, Murphy's sign, nausea, neoadjuvant radiation therapy, neoadjuvant therapy, Nissen fundoplication, nitroglycerine, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, NSAIDs, numbness, obese, obesity, obstipation, obstructive jaundice, obturator hernia, octreotide, oncologic outcomes, open aortic aneurysm repair, open inguinal hernia repair, outpatient, overtube, pain, pain medication, palpation, pancreatic cancer, pancreatic necrosis, PAP, paraesophageal hernia, Parkinson's disease, pathology, peek airway pressure, PEG tube, percutaneous drain, perforated appendicitis, perforated duodenal ulcer, perianal abscess, pericholecystic fluid, perihepatic nodal disease, perirectal lymph nodes, peritonitis, physical exam, physical examination, pneumococcal, pneumonia, polypropylene mesh, posterior rectus sheath, postoperative complications, postoperative ileus, postoperative pain, postsplenectomy sepsis, potassium, PPI, pre-operative splenic artery emoblization, prednisone, pregnancy, proton pump inhibitor, puborectalis muscle, radiation, Raynaud's phenomenon, rectal carcinoma, rectal pain, regurgitation, right lower quadrant pain, RLQ pain, saline, SBO, sclerodermatis esophagus, SCORE, segmental colectomy, sepsis, septic shock, sessile polyp, seton, sideroblastic anemia, sigmoid colectomy, sigmoid colon, skin, sliding hernia, small bowel, small bowel obstruction, small bowel resection, small intestine, smoking, Solu Medrol, spermatic cord, sphincter of Oddi, sphincter-sparing surgery, sphincterotomy, Spigelian hernia, spleen, splenectomy, splenic artery aneurysm, splenic flexure, splenic hilum, splenic parenchyma, spontaneous closure, staples, steroids, stoma, stomach, stool, substernal chest pain, survival, swelling, tachycardia, tacks, technetium scan, technique, temperature, testicle, testicular atrophy, therapy, thigh, thrombosis, thumbroll app, topical therapy, trainee, trancystic CBDE, transcholedochoscopic duct clearance, transcystic common bile duct exploration, transection, tranverse colon, tube feedings, tumor capsule, ulcer disease, ulceration, ulcerative colitis, ultrasonography, ultrasound, umbilical hernia, unresectable, upper endoscopy, urease, urgent, urine cultures, urine output, vaccines, vasopressors, venous insufficiency, vomiting, water-soluble contrast medium, WBC, weight loss, white blood cell count, Witzel tunnel technique, WSCM, Zollinger-Ellison syndrome
- Video Authors
- Alseidi A, Awad M, Blatnik J, Traugott A
- Video Institutions
- Ohio State University, Virginia Mason Medical Center--Seattle WA, Washington University
SAGES Resident Webinar : Fundamental Use of Surgical Energy-September 2016
This webinar was streamed live on September 12, 2016 and is part of the free SAGES Resident Education Webinar series. 00:00 Pascal Fuchshuber, MD, PhD — Welcome and Introduction 10:22 Amin Madani, MD, PhD — Fundamentals of Electrosurgery 37:07 Pascal Fuchshuber, MD, PhD — Fire in the OR 1:05:22 Dean Mikami, MD — Monopolar and […]
- Posted on
- 09/19/2017
- Learning Themes
- Academic / Educational, New Technologies / Skills Acquisitions, Professional / Economic
- Sources
- Resident Webinar
- Presentation Types
- Webinar
- Video Tags
- abdomen, abdominal pain, abdominal pain syndrome, active electrode, adverse events, AICD, airway, alcohol-based prep, algorithm, anesthesiology, arcing, argon beam plasma coagulator, arm, ASA, autoclave, automatic implantable cardioverter-defibrillator, BDI, bile duct injury, bipolar devices, bleeding, Bovie, bowel anastomosis, bowel injury, burn, capacitative coupling, cardiac rhythms, cardiovascular implantable electronic device, cautery, cavitation, certification, child, CIED, circuit, circulating nurse, circulator, clips, coag, coagulation, coaptation, colon, current density, curriculum, dessication, direct coupling, dispersive electrode, E.R., EKG, elctrocardiogram, electrocautery, electromagnetic interferene, electrosurgery, electrosurgical burn, electrosurgical injuries, electrosurgical unit, emergeny room, EMI, endoscopy, endoscopy suite, endotracheal tube, energy devices, enterotomy, eschar, ESU, ET tube, ex lap, expert, exploratory laparotomy, facial surgery, fire extinguisher, fluid, foot, forceps, France, fulgeration, full thickness necrosis, FUSE, gallbladder, gallbladder surgery, gastric perforation, gastric wall, gastrotomy, generator, GERD, grounding pad, guidelines, gynecologic surgery, hand, head & neck surgery, head and neck surgery, hemostat, high risk, hip, ignition source, implantable devices, implants, incarcerated umbilical hernia, industry, inguinal hernia, insulation failure, intraoperative monitoring, intubation, lap chole, laparoscopic cholecystectomy, laparoscopic surgery, lasers, leak, liver, magnet, management, mechanical energy, monopolar devices, morbidly obese, mortality, neck, necrosis, Nissen fundoplication, O.R. fires, oxygen, pacemaker, pacing dependent, polypectomy, preoperative evaluation, radiofrequency, radiologists, reoperation, resident, residual heat injury, resistance, return electrode, RF, RFA, room air, saline, sepsis, shoulder, Silverstein fire risk assessment, skin burn, small bowel injury, smoke, spleen, staple line, stomach perforation, surgical energy, teaching, technique, thermal effect, thermal injury, thermal spread, third-degree burn, tissue death, tissue effect, training, training program, U.S., ultrasonic energy, ultrasound energy, umbilicus, United States, vaporization, vessel sealer, voltage, waveform, xiphoid
- Video Authors
- Fuchshuber P, Madini A, Mikami D, Olasky J, Robinson T
- Video Institutions
- John A Burns School of Medicine, McGill University, Mount Auburn Hospital, The Steinberg-Bernstein Centre for Minimally Invasive Surgery, University of Hawaii
SAGES Resident Webinar : Preparing for the ABSITE-December 2016
Chair: Michael Awad, MD, PhD Faculty: Jeffrey Blatnik, MD; Amber Traugott, MD; and Adnan Alseidi, MD Program Outline: – Welcome and Overview – Michael Awad, MD, PhD – Esophagus, Stomach, Obesity – Michael Awad, MD, PhD – General Abdomen, Hernia, Spleen – Jeffrey Blatnik, MD – Colorectal & Anal Disease – Amber Traugott, MD – […]
- Posted on
- 12/08/2016
- Learning Themes
- Academic / Educational
- Sources
- Resident Webinar
- Presentation Types
- How-To, Webinar
- Video Tags
- abdomen, abdominal distention, abdominal fullness, abdominal pain, abdominal rigidity, abscess, accessory spleen, adenocarcinoma, admission, alcohol abuse, alcohol consumption, alcoholic, ampulla adenocarcinoma, ampullectomy, anal canal, anal disease, anal fissure, anal pain, anal verge, anastomosis, anatomy, anoscopic examination, antibiotics, antrum, anus, aortic valve replacement, apex, appendiceal carcinoid tumor, appendiceal mass, appendix, ascending colon, ascites, autoimmune, BDI, bedrest, bedside, bile duct carinoma, bile duct injury, bile duct stricture, bile leak, biliary colic, biliary disease, biliary tract, bilirubin, bladder, bleeding, bleeding hemorrhoids, blood, bloody drainage, bowel movement, bowel obstruction, bowel resection, bowel sounds, broad-spectrum antibiotics, burning, calorie, carcinoid tumor, carcinoid tumors, CBD, chest radiograph, chest x-ray, cholangiography, cholecystectomy, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, cirrhosis, colon cancer, colon carcinoma, colonic polyp, colonoscopic excision, colonoscopy, colorectal carcinoma, colorectal disease, columnar epithelium, common bile duct, computed tomography, congenital hemolytic anemia, constipation, continence, COPD, corticosteroids, Crohn's colitis, Crohn's disease, CT scan, CXR, dentate line, descending colon, diabetes, diagnosis, diagnostic laparoscopy, diagnostic tests, digital rectal exam, distal small bowel obstruction, diuretics, duodenal ulcers, duodenum, E.D., EGD, EKG, elderly, emergency department, endorectal advancement anorectal flap, endorectal ultrasound, endoscopic, endoscopic biopsy, endoscopic dilatation, endoscopy, endotracheal anesthesia, enteral feedings, entrapment, epigastric pain, esophageal perforation, esophageal reflux, esophagitis, esophagogastroduodenoscopy, esophagus, espophagus, etiology, EUS, expoloration, external anal sphincter, feculent, feeding jejunostomy, female, femoral hernia, fever, fistula track, fistulotomy, flex endo, flexible endoscopy, flexible sigmoidoscopy, fluid resuscitation, free abdominal fluid, free air, gallbladder, gallstone disease, gallstone pancreatitis, gallstones, gangrenous bowel, gas, gastric adenocarcinoma, gastric carcinoma, gastric lymphoma, gastric outlet obstruction, gastric polyps, gastroesophageal reflux disease, gastrointestinal stromal tumor, gastrointestinal tract malignancy, general abdomen, general practitioner, GERD, GIST, granular cell myoblastoma, groin pain, H. pylori, Helicobacter pylori, hematemesis, hematologic disorders, hemicolectomy, hemorrhoidectomy, hepatic metastases, hereditary spherocytosis, hernia, hernia defect, hernia repair, herniorrhaphy, hilar region, hypertension, IAP, IBS, ICU, ileocecal resection, ileocolectomy, ileocolostomy, ileum, ilioinguinal nerve, immunoglobulin G antibody, incarcerated inguinal hernia, incidence, incision, indirect inguinal hernia, infant, infected, inguinal approach, inguinal hernioplasty, intensive care unit, internal anal sphincter, intersphincteric plane, interventional radiology, intestinal length, intra-abdominal fluid collection, intra-abdominal pressure, intra-operative cholangiogram, intrarectal ultrasound, intravenous infusion, intubation, invasion, invasive cancer, IOC, IR, irritable bowel syndrome, ischemic, ITP, IV infusion, J-tube, jaundice, jejunoileal bypass, jejunostomy tube, lactated Ringer solution, lap chole, laparoscopic cholecystectomy, laparoscopic repair, laparotomy, lateral femoral cutaneous nerve, lateral sphincterotomy, left lower quadrant, ligament of Treitz, lipase, liver, LLQ, long-term complications, long-term survival, low rectal cancer, lymph nodes, lymphadenectomy, lymphovascular invasion, male, malignant degeneration, malnutrition, management, margins, mass, medical diuresis, medical management, metastatic lesions, microcytic hypochromic anemia, midline episiotomy, morphine-neostigmine Nardi test, mortality, mucin, mucosa, mucosal ulceration, mucous discharge, nasogastric suction, nasogastric tube, nausea, neoadjuvant chemoradiation, NG tube, NGT, numbness, obesity, obstructive jaundice, obturator hernia, omental patch, open inguinal hernia repair, operative management, ovarian, palpation, pathologic examination, pathophysiology, peak airway pressure, pedunculated polyp, percutaneous dilatation, percutaneous drain, percutaneous transhepatic biliary catheter, perforated appendicitis, perforation, perianal, perianal abscess, pericholecystic fluid, perirectal lymph node, peritoneal cavity, pH, physical examination, platelets, pneumatosis intestinalis, pneumoperitoneum, polypoid lesion, polypropylene mesh, postoperative complications, postoperative pain, postsplenectomy sepsis, pre-operative splenic artery emoblization, prednisone, presentation, primary sclerosing cholangitis, probe, protein, rebleeding, reconstruction, rectal bleeding, rectal cancer, rectovaginal fistula, rectum, recurrent hemorrhage, recurrent pancreatitis, reflux, resection, right hemicolectomy, right lower quadrant pain, rigid abdomen, RLQ pain, rupture, saline lavage, salt restriction, SBO, segmental duodenal resection, sepsis, serosa, sideroblastic anemia, sigmoid colectomy, sigmoid colon resection, sigmoid diverticulitis, sigmoidoscopy, skin, small bowel, small bowel obstruction, small intestine, smoking, snare polypectomy, spermatic cord, spleen, splenectomy, splenic parenchyma, squamous cell carcinoma, squamous epithelium, stabbing pain, staples, stomach, stool, stricture, strictureplasty, submucosa, submucosal nodule, subtotal gastrectomy, surgical evaluation, surgical management, survival, symptomatic, synchronous lesions, tachycardia, technetium scan, tenderness, testicular atrophy, therapy, thigh, thrombocytopenia, thrombosis, total parenteral nutrition, TPN, transanal excision, transduodenal sphincteroplasty, transsphincteric fistula, transverse fascia, treatment, ulcerative colitis, umbilical hernia, upper endoscopy, urinary retention, urine output, vagina, vein, vessel, villous adenoma, vomiting, WBC, wedge resection, weight loss, weight reduction surgery, white blood cell
- Video Authors
- Alseidi A, Awad M, Blatnik J, Traugott A
- Video Institutions
- Ohio State University, Virginia Mason, Washington University