SAGES Resident Webinar – PART 1 : Endoscopic Management of Postbariatric Surgery Patients-October 2014
Chair: Keith Gersin, MD Faculty: Stacy Brethauer, MD; Timothy Kuwada, MD; Dimitrios Stefanidis, MD, and Ranjan Sudan, MD Tips & Tricks RYGB/EEA by Dr. Ranjan Sudan–1:24 equipment–2:10 port placement–5:06 LRYGB steps–6:48 Keyword(s): 12 mm ports, 30 cc pouch, 5 mm 0 degree scope, 5 mm 30 degree scope, 5 mm ports, abdomen, air, air insufflation, […]
CBDS in the post RYGB patient (ERCP and PTC)
Presented by Keith Steven Gersin, MD at the SAGES 2013 Annual Meeting Pre-, Intra-, Post-Operative Management of CBD Stones disclosures–14 sec the problem–18 sec bile composition changes–1:49 preventing postop gallstones–2:22 routine CCX–2:49 Keyword(s): 15mm port, abdominal wall, adhesions, balloon endoscopy, bile salts, biliary accesss, biliary disease, BP limb, Ca, cannulation, Cardiovascular Interventional Radiology, […]
The Outcomes Of Non-Trauma Splenectomy From Nationwide Inpatient Sample
S027 – A Y Zemlyak, MD, V B Tsirline, MD, S El Djouzi, MD, A L Walters, MS, A E Lincourt, PhD, MBA, R F Sing, DO, B T Heniford, MD disclosures–26 sec introduction–31 sec methods–1:06 pt demographics–2:32 outcomes–3:09 conclusion–4:22 Q&A session–5:09 Keyword(s): emergent admission, Foundation for Surgical Fellowships, HVC, LeapFrog, liver disease, NIS, splenectomy, […]
Incidence, Mechanisms, And Outcomes Of Esophageal And Gastric Perforation During Laparoscopic Foregu
S067 – Linda P Zhang, MD, Ronald Chang, BA, Brent D Matthews, MD, Michael Awad, MD, Bryan Meyers, MD, J. Chris Eagon, MD, L. Michael Brunt, MD background–16 sec aim–43 sec method–1:02 results–1:58 conclusion–4:33 Q&A session–5:24 Keyword(s): abdominal reoperation, EGD, endoscopy, esophageal perf, esophagus, full thickness, gastric perf, HVC, IR intervention, lap foregut surgery, lap […]
Pre-Operative Evalution Of Gastric Gastrointestinal Stromal Tumors: Endoscopic Ultrasound Vs Ct Scan
K B Williams, MD, MS, J F Bradley, MD, B A Wormer, MD, D Banerjee, A L Walters, MS, K T Dacey, MHA, A E Lincourt, PhD, MBA, B T Heniford, MD disclosures–17 sec GIST background–20 sec gross Keyword(s): CT scan, Doppler, EUS, FNA, Foundation for Surgical Fellowships, GI bleeding, GIST, Iceland, immunochemistry […]