SAGES Webinar : Management of Acute Bariatric Surgical Complication for Nonbariatric Surgeon-December 2012
Chair: Valerie Halpin, MD Faculty: Matthew Goldblatt, MD; Sachin Kukreja, MD; and Brandon Williams, MD Band complications for the non-bariatric surgeon by Dr. Valerie Halpin–2:22 2 things to know–2:44 common band complaints–3:56 band deflation–5:18 tools for band adjustment–5:37 Band ports–6 Keyword(s): acute ABD, alimentary limb, Allergan AP band, antecolic, antegastric, anterior slip, balloon dilatation, balloon […]
SAGES Webinar : Patient Centered Outcomes in Inguinal Hernia Repair-September 2012
This webinar on Patient Centered Outcomes in Inguinal Hernia Repair has been developed specifically for residents and features four expert panelists: Brian Jacob, MD (Chair); George Ferzli, MD; B. Todd Heniford, MD; David Chen, MD webinar begins–3:57 Outcomes are paramount: Predicting chronic pain after IHR by Dr. B Todd Heniford–6:23 inguinal hernia recurrence rates–7:45 […]
Advanced Surgical Technique and Suturing
This webinar on advanced surgical techniques was developed specifically for residents and featured four expert panelists: Brandon Williams, MD (Chair); Ronald Clements, MD; Brent Matthews, MD; Mark Watson, MD Laparoscopic anastomotic techniques by Dr. Brandon Williams–2:19 LRYGB–2:26 JJ–3:10 GJ–16:44 Laparoscopic suturing & tying by Dr. Ronald Clements–32:43 overview–33:35 needle management–34 Keyword(s): abdominal wall defect, abdominal […]
SAGES Webinar : Advanced Laparoscopic Foregut Surgery: Tips and Tricks-February 2012
This webinar on foregut surgery has been developed specifically for residents and features four expert panelists: Michael Awad, MD (Chair); Brent Matthews, MD; Michael Ujiki, MD; Melina Vassiliou, MD GERD, hiatal & PEH by Dr. Brent Matthews–5:37 HH classification–8:04 pre-op eval–11:11 Bravo pH monitoring system–15:46 esophageal impedance–17:05 trocar placement for antireflux surgery–25 Keyword(s): acellular dermis, […]
Surgery in the Obese Patient: Bariatric Surgery and Tips and Tricks for Surgery in the Morbidly Obes
Faculty includes: Valerie Halpin, MD (Chair); Nicole Fearing, MD; Matthew Goldblatt, MD; Sachin Kukreja, MD Keyword(s): 100 mm trocars, anastomotic leaks, anticolic anastomosis, band erosion, band slippage, bariatric surgery emergencies, bleeding, buttressing material, DVT prophylaxis, dysphagia, EGD, endoscope, endoscopic dilation, endoscopy, fibrin glue, footboard, gastrografin, GJ strictures, H. pylori, hematemesis, HH, internal hernias, JJ, LAGB, […]