SAGES Resident Webinar – PART 4 : Endoscopic Management of Postbariatric Surgery Patients-October 2014
Chair: Keith Gersin, MD Faculty: Stacy Brethauer, MD; Timothy Kuwada, MD; Dimitrios Stefanidis, MD, and Ranjan Sudan, MD GB vs SG outcomes by Dr. Stacy Brethauer–4:58 citations–5:56 observational data byp Keyword(s): ABD pain, accreditation program, acute leaks, acute phase, acute presentation, ADA clinical care guidelines, adverse events, AGB, age, alogorithm, analysis, Annals of […]
SAGES Resident Webinar – PART 5 : Endoscopic Management of Postbariatric Surgery Patients-October 2014
Chair: Keith Gersin, MD Faculty: Stacy Brethauer, MD; Timothy Kuwada, MD; Dimitrios Stefanidis, MD, and Ranjan Sudan, MD Keyword(s): backup plan, bariatric procedure, bariatricians, behavior, BMI staging, chair, convert, data, diabetic pt, endoscopic management of postbariatric surgery pts, faculty, GB, glycemic control, hunger control, insurance, medical therapy, medications, metabolic control, morbid, panel discussion, pharmacologic therapy, […]
SAGES Resident Webinar – PART 2 : Endoscopic Management of Postbariatric Surgery Patients-April 2014
Chair: Keith Gersin, MD Faculty: Stacy Brethauer, MD; Timothy Kuwada, MD; Dimitrios Stefanidis, MD, and Ranjan Sudan, MD SG tips & tricks by Dr. Timothy S Kuwada–4:45 disclosures–5:13 background–5:16 indications–7:47 contraindications–12:08 pre-op considerations–10:41 key steps–11:43 citation–12:35 ht Keyword(s): 10 mm flat JP, 11 mm trocar, 15 mm trocar, 5 mm subcostal trocar, abdominal access, access, […]
SAGES Resident Webinar – PART 1 : Endoscopic Management of Postbariatric Surgery Patients-October 2014
Chair: Keith Gersin, MD Faculty: Stacy Brethauer, MD; Timothy Kuwada, MD; Dimitrios Stefanidis, MD, and Ranjan Sudan, MD Tips & Tricks RYGB/EEA by Dr. Ranjan Sudan–1:24 equipment–2:10 port placement–5:06 LRYGB steps–6:48 Keyword(s): 12 mm ports, 30 cc pouch, 5 mm 0 degree scope, 5 mm 30 degree scope, 5 mm ports, abdomen, air, air insufflation, […]
The Evolution of Colorectal Surgery: Transanal Endoscopic Microsurgery Endoscopic Submucosal Dissect
Faculty includes: Peter Marcello, MD (Chair); Todd Francone, MD, Alessio Pigazzi, MD, and Ronney Stadler, MD Local excision of rectal cx: Pt selection & indications by Dr. Ronney Stadler–1:58 rectal cx overview–2:26 surgeon’s role in rectal cx–3:28 local recurrence of rectal cx–4:45 depth of tumo Keyword(s): 0 Silk tie, 18G angiocath, 5 mm grasper, abdominal […]