Laparoscopic repair of a giant paraesophageal hernia with crural relaxing incision and Collis gastroplasty
Presented by Ezra N Teitelbaum, MD at the SS03: Foregut 1 held during the 2017 SAGES Annual Meeting in Houston, TX on Wednesday, March 22, 2017 Keyword(s): abdomen, absorbable tacks, antireflux, aorta, attending, blunt dissection, Bougie, capnoperitoneum, caudate lobe, chest, coated PTFE mesh, Collis gastroplasty, colon, crural reconstruction, crural relaxing incision, crus, defect, diaphragm, diaphragmatic, […]
New Technique: Laparoscopic Creation of Jejunal Pouch Following Total Gastrectomy with Roux-en-Y Reconstruction
Presented by Marc A Ward at the SS04: Video: Dentes to Dentate Session during the SAGES 2016 Annual Meeting.
Outcomes in Patients With Over One-Year Follow-up After Peroral Endoscopic Myotomy (POEM)
Presented by Marc A Ward at the SS08: Flexible Endoscopy Session during the SAGES 2016 Annual Meeting.
V098 Laparoscopic Gastric Bypass in Patient with Intestinal Nonrotation
V098 LAPAROSCOPIC GASTRIC BYPASS IN PATIENT WITH INTESTINAL NONROTATION Marc A Ward, MD Vivek N Prachand, MD; University of Chicago Medicine epidemiology–9 sec pathogenesis–28 sec normal development–55 sec nonrotation–1:11 case presentation–1:38 port placement–1:48 procedural video–1:56 summary–4:34 Keyword(s): appendectomy, BP limb, GJ, intestinal nonrotation, Ladds bands, LGB, Ligament of Treitz, Roux limb, RYGB
Laparoscopic Gastric Bypass in Patient with Intestinal Nonrotation
LAPAROSCOPIC GASTRIC BYPASS IN PATIENT WITH INTESTINAL NONROTATION Marc A Ward, MD Vivek N Prachand, MD epidemiology–32 sec pathogenesis–55 sec nonrotation–1:33 case presentation–2:04 port placement–2:13 procedural video–2:20 summary–4:57 Q&A session–5:42 Keyword(s): appendectomy, appendix, BP limb, congenital rotation abnormalities, gastric pouch, GJ, intestinal nonrotation, JJ, Ladd procedure, leak test, LGB, mesenteric defect, Roux limb, SG, small […]