Laparoscopic Management Of Operative Vena Cava Injury In Revisional Bariatric Surgery
Pablo Marin, MD, Catherine Ho, MD, Abraham Betancourt, MD, Carolina Ampudia, MD, Miguel Lamota, MD, Abraham Abdemur, MD, Yaniv Cozacov, MD, Emanuele Lo Menzo, MD, Samuel Szomstein, MD, Raul Rosenthal, MD Keyword(s): caudate lobe, diaphragm, GEJ, lap management, mesh, PEH repair, revisional surgery, RYGB, vena cava, venorraphy
Laparoscopic Revision of Revision of Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass
Presented by Abraham Fridman, DO HPI–12 sec preop workup–18 sec operative findings–21 sec procedural video–29 sec Keyword(s): Blake drain, EGD, endoscopy, gastric artery, gastric pouch, gastric remnant, gastro-gastric fistula, gastrojejunal anastomosis resection, gastrojejunostomy, gastrotomy, GEJ, hernia defect, hiatal hernia, jejunotomy, lap revision, LRYGB, marginal ulcer, methylene blue, pouch resection, Quill suture, reflux, remnant gastrectomy, strictures, […]
Laparoscopic Revision of Roux-En-Y Gastric Bypass
Presented by Andre Teixeira, MD, SS08: Videos – Obesity Surgery: V008 HPI–35 sec pre-op workup–1:09 op findings–1:46 procedural video–1:56 Q&A session–7:14 Keyword(s): BMI, EGD, gastrectomy, gastric pouch, GG fistula, GJ anastomosis, HH, lap revision, marginal ulcer, RYGBP, UGI, weight loss
Laparoscopic Repair of Hiatal Hernia with Dor Fundoplication after Sleeve Gastrectomy
Presented by Andre Teixeira, MD MBA MPH, SS08: Videos – Obesity Surgery: V004 HPI–45 sec UGI–1:27 intra-op findings–1:32 procedural video–1:34 Q&A session–5:17 Keyword(s): BMI, Dor fundoplication, EGD, gastric body, GBP, GERD, HH, lap repair, PPIs, SG, UGI
Laparoscopic Splenectomy for Symptomatic Splenic Hematoma/Collection
SAGES 2012 Bonus Video – Abraham Fridman, DO, Rena Moon, MD, Samuel Szomstein, MD FACS FASMBS, Raul Rosenthal, MD FACS FASMBS HPI–25 sec pre-op workup–33 sec procedural video–47 sec Keyword(s): ITP, lateral decubitus, morselization, splenectomy, splenic hematoma