Community surgeon Dr. Kevin Wasco is a master multi-tasker, personally and professionally. The Wisconsin-based Dr. Wasco (father of six biological children and guardian of three Bosnian American children) and well-known soccer fanatic, has served on a long list of SAGES committees, including SAGES Advocacy & Health Policy (AHP) committee.
As committee co-chair since 2016, Dr. Wasco, who also serves as SAGES CPT representative with AHP chair Dr. Scott Roth, says, “My current involvement and focus is on local, state and national advocacy, reimbursement for surgery, endoscopy and endoluminal procedures, and CPT with focus on new technology and procedures. Innovation and new technology also plays huge volume of my private community practice.”
Working with SAGES a close friend like Dr. Roth for nearly 15 years is one of the relationships he most cherishes. “Scott and I have spent a lot of time on CPT and advocacy. Many hours have been spent trying to best represent SAGES members. It is not the easiest process to understand. I believe we have been very effective educating SAGES members, building bridges with other societies and representing SAGES membership. We also have had a little fun. We have also managed to talk a little soccer and Kentucky versus Wisconsin basketball. I’ve lost bets and delivered Wisconsin cheeses and won bets of Kentucky Bourbon!”
Dr. Wasco gives a shout out to many additional SAGES members: Dr. Paresh Shah for his advocacy mentorship and CPT involvement including learning the new language of CPT/RUC; Dr. Jeff Marks, who invited him to join the Flexibility Endoscopy committee; Dr. John Mellinger who continues to be a role model; and others including Michael Brunt, Dan Deziel and countless others for supporting his involvement in SAGES, innovation and advocacy.
Since becoming an Active SAGES member in 2000 after joining Surgical Associates of Neenah, Dr. Wasco served on the Publications committee for six years, and continues reviewing papers for Surgical Endoscopy. He’s been involved from the beginning with SAGES NBT meetings, was a member of the Bylaws committee and chairman for two years, an initial member of the Safe Chole Task Force, and also participated in the SAFE CHOLE Module and the International Consensus Meeting. HE also is a SAGES/ASMBS BESAFE proctor.
As a community surgeon, Dr. Wasco saw the need to develop a Community Surgery Task Force that has evolved into a very active SAGES Committee, where he’s served as both chair and co-chair. “It is amazing what this committee has involve into since its inception. I am hopeful this will continue to help community surgeons feel connected with SAGES.”
He says, “The camaraderie and inclusivity of SAGES is fantastic. It’s rare in a society that that a simple community surgeon is made to feel so appreciated by the academic surgeons. The desire to continue to innovate while still keeping the patient at the center is another SAGES strong point. The drive forward for every technology, protocol and procedure is always with the patient’s best interest in mind. The endless energy is what drives all members to fulfill their role.”
Favorite memories? Dr. Wasco has many: “Walking back to the hotel and conversing with Jeff Marks when he encouraged me to get involved. Going to baseball games with SAGES members, including John Mellinger. Participating in innovative meetings such as the first NOTES meeting and SAGES NBT. Working with the Safe Chole task Force. Teaching the next generation of surgeons on behalf of SAGES.”
Despite leading a busy 90-plus employee private practice surgery group, Dr. Wasco plans to continue to be involved in committees and leadership, and as active as possible at national and regional meetings. Most important, he adds, “I would love to continue to represent community surgeons and SAGES and continue foster innovation and advocacy and at same time help train the next generation. I will continue to work to build bridges with GI societies and other minimally invasive societies help to help SAGES members”.
Finally, Dr. Wasco thanks his wife Mitzy for her support, with every reason to be proud. Our merged family has been a true blessing. We a crazy soccer family. All nine kids have played elite level soccer including MLS Next and Girls Academy. I have one professional soccer player and one college soccer player. Many have now gone on to be successful at other endeavors as well. I’m now fortunate to have children succeeding at all levels: pre-med, pre-law, Physician’s Assistant, Nursing and Business as well as soccer. “My wife, Mitzy, is a ‘saint’ and I could not have been as successful or as involved without her. She is an amazing woman who gave up her successful healthcare administration career for the benefits of our merged family.”