- Provides cutting-edge education and programs
- Supports and encourages achievement in laparoscopic and endoscopic surgery for the surgeon
- Promulgates guidelines in standards of practice and training that reflect up-to-date scientific data and surgical thinking
- Protects the interests of our patients in assuring them access to the BEST operation
- Keeps surgeons aware of innovative technology and techniques that will improve the practice of surgery
Surgeons join because SAGES is an unconventional surgical association in the best sense of the word.
It is a collegial group in which newcomers are welcomed like long-term members of the “family.” SAGES members “networked” before that word had been invented.
If you participate, you are valuable. If you work for the Society, you are invited into its leadership circle.
SAGES is inclusive while preserving quality. It is statistically more difficult to have a paper accepted for oral presentation at a SAGES meeting than almost any other group. But new ideas are welcomed.
Join Today!
Partnership Between SAGES and AWS Continues
SAGES continues our commitment to improving inclusion within our organization and the larger surgical community. As a part of this important effort a collaboration with the Association of Women Surgeons (AWS) was formed in 2018. Founded in 1981, AWS is one of the largest international organizations dedicated to encouraging and empowering women surgeons.
Through this partnership, members of AWS can join SAGES and SAGES members can join AWS, at a discount of up to 30% off first-year membership fees, using Promo Code AWS2025 when completing the membership application. Read Here