The Resident and Fellow Training Committee (RAFT) offers two awards for outstanding abstracts presented by Surgical Residents and Fellows at the SAGES Annual Meeting. The purpose of these awards is to encourage the development of clinical and research-oriented work in the field of general surgery.
Best Resident/Fellow Abstract Presentation Award for the best presentation delivered during the plenary/symposium/general meeting session.
- The top 5 highest scoring resident/fellow scientific abstracts selected by the Program Committee for presentation (oral, video, and poster) will be considered for this award: 1st-$500/2nd-$300/3rd-$200.
- The awards will be given to the presenters of the top 3 abstracts which secure the highest presentation scores from a panel of RAFT judges.
- Presenters whose abstracts are selected as contest finalists will be notified 4 weeks prior to the Annual Meeting.
- Winners will be announced after the annual meeting and publicized in the MesSAGES.
Best Resident/Fellow Scientific Session Presentation Award for the best presentation delivered during the Resident and Fellow Session.
- Abstracts selected by the Program Committee for presentation in the Resident/Fellow Scientific Session will be considered for this award: 1st-$500/2nd-$300/3rd-$200.
- The awards will be given to the presenters of the top 3 abstract which secure the highest presentation scores from a panel of SAGES Experts appointed by SAGES Annual Meeting Program Chairs.
- Winners will be announced during the Resident/Fellow Scientific Session.
For any questions you may have, please contact Betty Mulugeta in the SAGES office at [email protected].